{calendar.long_date} · {calendar.start_time} - {calendar.end_time} {calendar.time_zone}



Hosted By

Alex West
Communication Specialist at
South Coast Mission

Poor communications skills can make life and relationships miserable. Learn how to overcome difficulties in communicating in this free seminar.

The seminar is from 11 am to 1 pm, complimentary lunch included.

In this in-person seminar you can learn how to improve communication difficulties, including:

  • Uncontrollable anger

  • Lack of confidence in speaking up

  • Anxiety about communication

  • Inability to keep a conversation going

  • Communicating clearly

  • Difficulty making friends

  • Listening

There will be a question and answer period and an opportunity to meet with a personal and relationships consultant.

Complimentary lunch included.

  • Date and Time


    {calendar.start_time} - {calendar.end_time} {calendar.time_zone}

  • Location


Alex West

Seminar Presenter

If you would like to contact Alex or one of the center staff, please email at contactus@southcoastmission.com
or call at
(949) 521-3144‬

The seminar takes place at South Coast Mission, Dianetics & Scientology Self-Improvement Center. It will be presented by communication and relationship expert and counselor, Alex West. He has delivered hundreds of seminars and workshops on communication.

South Coast Mission was founded in 2005 and has since helped thousands of people resolve issues such as self-confidence, stress, relationships problems, communication problems and controlling negative emotions. It provides personal and relationships counseling and classes.

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