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Hosted By

Hali Stokes

Lead Consultant at South Coast Mission

How to Let Go of Anger, Resentment or Bitterness

In this Free Webinar we’ll show you why it’s so hard to release anger, resentment and bitterness and exactly HOW you can!

Nothing eats away at you more than your own anger, resentment and bitterness. A bad breakup, a business relationship gone wrong, or a betrayal by a partner, friend or family member, can leave you feeling hurt, angry and bitter. 

Typical advice is to “just let go”, to forgive or to come to peace. Perhaps meditation, exercise or doing new activities can work in the short-term, but usually don’t resolve the anger and resentment that has buried itself and can be triggered at any time. 

You’ll discover a simple technique that can get rid of anger, resentment, stress and other negative emotions in weeks, not months or years. You can feel real relief and renewed energy to tackle life!

Join us in this webinar and discover how you can put your anger and hurt behind you! 

The webinar is hosted by Hali Stokes, Self-Help and Relationships expert and Lead Counselor and Program Director at South Coast Mission, Dianetics & Scientology Self-Improvement Center. 

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Hali Stokes

Webinar Host

If you would like to contact Hali or one of the center staff, please email at contactus@southcoastmission.com
or call at
(949) 297-4446

Hali is the Program Director at South Coast Mission, a Dianetics and Scientology Self-Improvement Center in Lake Forest, CA. Over the last six years she has helped hundreds of people achieve their self-improvement goals.

"It's so rewarding to help people truly improve their lives. I first found about South Coast Mission when I was having problems with confidence and relationships. I was having a hard time getting over a relationship that had actually been pretty toxic to me. At South Coast Mission we fixed all this with counseling and courses, and I now have a career I love and I'm engaged to an amazing man."

South Coast Mission was founded in 2005 and has since helped thousands of people resolve issues such as self-confidence, stress, relationships problems, communication problems and controlling negative emotions. It provides personal and relationships counseling and classes.

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